GBC Kids is where kids from nursery through grade 5 learn about God in an exciting and fun environment.
First Time Guests
GBC KIDS - Babies
(infant to 2.5 years)
Sunday at 9:30 & 10:45
Our church is happy to offer your baby a clean and safe environment to enjoy. Our nursery rooms will split into baby/toddler rooms as needed. Moving walkers/toddlers to one side and infants to the other.
Make sure to check-in and get a number that corresponds with your child. If we need to get in touch with you, we will message the cell phone you listed when you registered.
If adults are staying for Adult Bible Class children can stay in the nursery both time slots.
GBC KIDS - Preschool
(2.5 & 3 years)
Sunday at 9:30 & 10:45
GBC Preschoolers will enjoy singing, Bible lessons, snacks, and activities too.
Make sure to check-in and get a number that corresponds with your child. If we need to get in touch with you, we will message the cell phone you listed when you registered.
If adults are staying for Adult Bible Class children can stay in their class both time slots.
GBC Kids - PreK & K
(4 & 5 years)
Sunday at 9:30 & 10:45
GBC Preschoolers will enjoy singing, Bible lessons, snacks, and activities too.
Make sure to check-in and get a number that corresponds with your child. If we need to get in touch with you, we will message the cell phone you listed when you registered.
If adults are staying for Adult Bible Class children can stay in their class both time slots.
GBC KIDS - Elementary
Sunday at 9:30
Kid’s Church Jr.
(1st & 2ndgrades)
At Kid’s Church Jr., children will learn about God in a way that is relevant to them. They will enjoy a Bible lesson, activities, and various crafts or games.
Kid’s Church
(3rd – 5th grades)
Kid’s Church is a fun active-based program for 2nd – 5th grade! We balance learning about the Bible and our relationship with God with high-energy activities and games.
Check-in - after check-in, you will go into church with your family to the service and then be dismissed to your program after worship.
Pick up - At the conclusion of the service, children will need to be picked up by their parent/guardian from the room listed on the screens in the auditorium.
Sunday at 10:45
Sunday School
(1st - 5th grades)
Our 10:45 kids program runs in conjunction with our Adult Bible Classes. Kids will learn about God in fun ways through music, videos, large group, and small-group lessons.
Transition time - If you are staying for Adult Bible classes your kids will stay in their room or be moved to the Sunday School opening room.
Pick up – At the conclusion of Sunday School kids can be picked up in that same large group room listed at the end of the service.
GBC KIDS - Wednesdays
(1st – 5th grades)
September - March from 7:00-8:15
Girls 4 God is for 1st through 5th-grade girls. The girls do all kinds of things together, from learning about how to model God’s love and worshiping together, to arts and crafts, to community and global outreach projects and to daddy-daughter events. In addition to lessons based on the year’s Biblical theme, the girls memorize Bible verses and are encouraged to pray for each other. We have a great team of talented and creative ladies who work together to make every meeting special for our girls. Girls 4 God is a great place for girls to grow in their friendships with each other and with the Lord!
Dude’s Club is for 1st through 5th-grade boys. Our goals are for boys to learn about God, have fun, and develop friendships with other boys their age. A typical night includes game time in the gym and then a devotional let by the Dude’s Club leaders. Some of our gym games include dodgeball, kickball, crab soccer, and four square. Once a month we have a special speaker talk to the boys on a topic related to our theme of the year. Other activities included service projects, camp fires, and scavenger hunts. Dude’s Club is a totally fun place to be and a place where we encourage our boys to be young men who love the Lord.
Our Volunteers
Every adult that serves in our children and youth ministry goes through an extensive application process.
Volunteers are required to complete a background check and complete Ministry Safe training.